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Maternal-Newborn Nursing DeMYSTiFieD: A Self-Teaching Guide

Maternal-Newborn Nursing DeMYSTiFieD: A Self-Teaching Guide

  • Author:
  • ISBN-13: 9780071609142
  • Book Condition: New
Regular price $29.27 USD
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From pre- to post-birth, here's everything you need to know about the nursing care of mother, child, and family

Maternity Nursing Demystified delivers a detailed, easy-to-follow overview of the essential concepts involved in providing nursing care to the mother and child before, during, and after pregnancy. The book emphasizes the underlying factors involved in maintaining or restoring the health of mother and new born and discusses the various factors that may threaten their wellbeing. You'll also learn how to apply these concepts to real-life situations.

In order to make the learning process as fast and painless as possible, Maternity Nursing Demystified is filled with valuable learning aids such as illustrations, chapter objectives, key terms, topic overviews, diagrams and tables, summaries, NCLEX style questions, and even a comprehensive final exam.

Maternity Nursing Demystified will also help you excel on course exams and the NCLEX

Everything you need to understand:
Roles and relationships, Families and communities, Assessment concepts, Reproductive health issues, Conception through trimester, Physiologic changes of pregnancy, Fetal development, Childbirth preparation, Labor and delivery, Complications of Pregnancy, Post partum care, Newborn care

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